The Gear Anthony And Jordan Uses To Create His Work


Welcome to the gear page for Stories2Tell Photography.  This is a comprehensive list of the gear that Anthony, and his son, Jordan uses to capture and create his photography and videos for his clients and for personal enjoyment. We thank you for stopping by to see us. 


Cameras Gear Camera 2Gear Camera 2
Nikon D810

Nikon D750

Nikon D7100

Panasonic GH4

Panasonic AVCCAM



Lenses Gear Camera lensesGear Camera lenses

Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8

Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8

Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8

Nikon 85mm f/1.8

Nikon 85mm f/3.5

Nikon 60mm (macro) f/2.8

Nikon 50mm f1/4

Nikon 35mm f1/8


Audio Gear Audio 2Gear Audio 2

Sennheiser EW100 Transmitters and Receivers (x3)

ZOOM H4 Recorder


Drone Gear DroneGear Drone

Phantom 3 



Rovelight 600

Nikon SB910 Speedlight Gear LightsGear Lights

Nikon SB700 Speedlight

Flashpoint LED Panel Lights

F&V Ringlight


Camera Bag Gear BagGear Bag

Tamrac Expedition 8x